Mobile Recharge Offers

Explore Best Recharge Offers for your Vi (Vodafone Idea) mobile number

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your benefits

additional benefits

Vi movies & TV

Enjoy unlimited ente!ainment with 100+ originals, 4500+ movies and Live TV.


With a plethora of options available, wouldn't you just want to pick the best offer and enjoy uninterrupted prepaid calls, SMS, and 5G services?


Vi provides you best prepaid recharge offers to assure that you avail unhindered access to your call and mobile data. Just enter your prepaid mobile number, browse offers available, and select the one that suits your requirements.


online recharge offers with Vi

Explore the latest mobile recharge offers valid today.

Carry out final payment and every transaction in a safe, secure manner.

Pay through various available online payment modes such as credit card, debit card, UPI, etc.

Complete every transaction at ease with our efficient payment gateway and enjoy best mobile recharge offers.

We have crafted prepaid online recharge offers pack for every user. You can browse these best offers from anywhere, select the one meeting your requirements, and enjoy the freedom of connecting with your loved ones at any time.


With us, you will always find amazing, pocket-friendly deals & recharge offers for your prepaid number. You can save some extra buck on your recharge spend, gain extra GBs of data and unlimited talk time. So, what are you waiting for? Select your 121 offer now and recharge your Vi prepaid connection today.


Vodafone and Idea users can continue to avail great deals on the prepaid mobile recharge offers. The prepaid recharge offers of Vodafone and Idea aim at fulfilling all essential mobile needs. 


Are the Vi mobile recharge offers applicable for Vodafone & Idea mobile numbers?


As Vodafone and Idea are now Vi, users can avail Vi recharge offers for their Idea or Vodafone mobile numbers.

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Seems like you have entered an inactive number This Vi number is currently suspended This Vi number is currently in safe custody This Vi number is currently suspended due to SIM lost This Vi number is currently suspended. Please pay bill to activate the number Something went wrong. Please try after some time It seems that you are an enterprise customer. Proceed to business sign-in Please enter valid 10 digit number This looks like a non Vi number! Port to Vi You have exhausted maximum attempts to enter OTP. Please try after some time

OTP verification

Just to make sure its you, we've sent an OTP to your number ending with ****

Invalid OTP. You have exhausted maximum attempts to enter OTP. Please click on resend. Something went wrong. Please try after some time


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