Swiggy One Membership

Enjoy free delivery & extra discounts on food, Grocery & restaurant booking

Enjoy free delivery & extra discounts on food, Grocery & restaurant booking

Swiggy One membership includes:

  • imageFree Delivery (above Rs199) on food
  • image Free Delivery (above Rs. 199) on InstaMart
  • image30% extra discounts over and above other offers
  • imageExclusive access to Pre-book deals on Dine Out Reservations
  • imageFlat 10% off on Genie on all orders

Get Swiggy One membership:

Enjoy Swiggy One membership of 3 months with 20GB complimentary data.



20 GB


3 months



Enjoy Swiggy One membership of 3 months with 20GB complimentary data.

activate Swiggy

Enter your Vi postpaid number


OTP verification

Just to make sure it’s you, we’ve sent an OTP to your number ending with 9999

Time left: sec

resend otp

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( attempts left)

Pack Details

service validity

your benefits

additional benefits

Swiggy One FAQs

It’s a 3 month membership to enjoy free delivery & extra discounts on food, grocery & restaurant bookings.

Benefits include:

  1. Free food delivery on orders above Rs. 199
  2. Free Instamart Delivery on orders above Rs. 199
  3. Exclusive access to Pre-book deals on Dine Out Reservations
  4. 30% extra discounts over and above other offers

Validity: 3 months

Yes, Vi users get Complimentary 20GB data valid for 2 bill cycles

Please follow the below steps to activate:

  • Click on buy now
  • Unlock the coupon to copy and redeem
  • You will be redirected to Swiggy App
  • Paste the copied code on Swiggy One membership purchase checkout page

Please note – Code needs to be redeemed on Swiggy App within 90 days of purchasing the pack

login to Vi

to pay your utility bills (it's easier and secure)

Seems like you have entered an inactive number This Vi number is currently suspended This Vi number is currently in safe custody This Vi number is currently suspended due to SIM lost This Vi number is currently suspended. Please pay bill to activate the number Something went wrong. Please try after some time It seems that you are an enterprise customer. Proceed to business sign-in Please enter valid 10 digit number This looks like a non Vi number! Port to Vi You have exhausted maximum attempts to enter OTP. Please try after some time

OTP verification

Just to make sure its you, we've sent an OTP to your number ending with ****

Invalid OTP. You have exhausted maximum attempts to enter OTP. Please click on resend. Something went wrong. Please try after some time


resend OTP