Recharge Cashback Offers

Get assured cashback of upto ₹200 Get assured cashback of upto ₹200

Get assured cashback of upto ₹200

Applicable on min txn value of Rs179

Applicable on Vi app

*T&C apply

  • Offer is valid till 1st to 28th Feb'25
  • Offer is valid once per customer in a month
  • Assured Cashback of upto ₹ 200 and will be added to the Pay with Rewards account
  • User will also get upto 8x multiplier rewards in form of Flipkart super coins max: 75
  • Cashback will be credited within 3 days post the successful transaction
  • Cashback can be used for subsequent Recharge or Bill Pay
  • Cashback once credited will be valid for 30 days
Get assured cashback upto ₹200 on payments using Paytm UPI Lite Get assured cashback upto ₹200 on payments using Paytm UPI Lite

Get assured cashback upto ₹200 on payments using Paytm UPI Lite

Applicable on min txn value of ₹99 & above

Applicable on Vi app and web

*T&C apply

  • Offer valid from 1st to 28th Feb'25
  • Offer is valid on min txn value of Rs99 using Paytm UPI 
  • Offer is applicable for Mobile Prepaid Recharges & Bill Payments
  • Offer valid once per user during the campaign period
  • On eligible transactions user will get a scratch card on the Paytm app in Cashback and Offer section.
  • User will have to swipe the scratch to avail the cashback (scratch card validity - 7 days)
  • Paytm reserves its absolute right to withdraw and/or alter any terms and conditions of the offer at any time  without prior notice
Get assured cashback upto ₹100 on payments using Paytm UPI Get assured cashback upto ₹100 on payments using Paytm UPI

Get assured cashback upto ₹100 on payments using Paytm UPI

Applicable on min txn value of ₹99 & above

Applicable on Vi app and web

*T&C apply

  • Offer valid from 1st to 28th Feb'25
  • Offer is valid on min txn value of Rs99 using Paytm UPI 
  • Offer is applicable for Mobile Prepaid Recharges & Bill Payments
  • Offer valid once per user during the campaign period
  • On eligible transactions user will get a scratch card on the Paytm app in Cashback and Offer section.
  • User will have to swipe the scratch to avail the cashback (scratch card validity - 7 days)
  • Paytm reserves its absolute right to withdraw and/or alter any terms and conditions of the offer at any time  without prior notice
Get upto ₹25 cashback on payments using Amazon Pay UPI Get upto ₹25 cashback on payments using Amazon Pay UPI

Get upto ₹25 cashback on payments using Amazon Pay UPI

Applicable on min txn value of ₹199 & above

Applicable on Vi app and web

*T&C apply

  • Offer valid from 1st to 28th Feb'25
  • User would get min assured cashback between Rs5-Rs25
  • Offer is valid for successful completion of Prepaid Recharge or Postpaid Bill payment transaction on Vi app using the Amazon Pay UPI
  • Offer is valid once per user during the campaign period on 1 successful transactions across Mobile Prepaid Recharges , Bill Payments , Utilities and Vi Shop
  • Cashback promotional benefit will be provided with 24 hrs of the successful transaction completion in the form of scratch card redeemable into Amazon Pay balance associated with customer's account
  • Amazon reserves the right to disqualify any customer from the benefits of the Offer, at its sole discretion, if it identifies any fraudulent activity being carried out for the purpose of availing the benefits under the Offer or for any reason whatsoever. 
  • Amazon reserves the absolute right, without prior notice, without liability, and without assigning any reason whatsoever, to add/alter/modify/change or vary any or all of these Offer Terms or to replace, wholly or in part, this Offer by another offer, whether similar to this Offer or not.
Get upto ₹25 cashback on payments using Amazon Pay Wallet Get upto ₹25 cashback on payments using Amazon Pay Wallet

Get upto ₹25 cashback on payments using Amazon Pay Wallet

Applicable on min txn value of ₹199 & above

Applicable on Vi app

*T&C apply

  • Offer Period : 1st to 28th Feb'25
  • User would get min assured cashback between Rs5-Rs25
  • Offer is valid for successful completion of Prepaid Recharge or Postpaid Bill payment transaction on Vi app using the Amazon Pay wallet and UPI
  • Offer is valid once per user during the campaign period on 1 successful transactions across Mobile Prepaid Recharges &  Bill Payments
  • Cashback promotional benefit will be provided with 24 hrs of the successful transaction completion in the form of scratch card redeemable into Amazon Pay balance associated with customer's account
  • Amazon reserves the right to disqualify any customer from the benefits of the Offer, at its sole discretion, if it identifies any fraudulent activity being carried out for the purpose of availing the benefits under the Offer or for any reason whatsoever. 
  • Amazon reserves the absolute right, without prior notice, without liability, and without assigning any reason whatsoever, to add/alter/modify/change or vary any or all of these Offer Terms or to replace, wholly or in part, this Offer by another offer, whether similar to this Offer or not.
All User
Get assured cashback of ₹100 on payments using CRED UPI Get assured cashback of ₹100 on payments using CRED UPI

Get assured cashback of ₹100 on payments using CRED UPI

Applicable on min txn value of ₹99 & above

Applicaple on Vi app

*T&C apply

  • Offer valid from 1st to 28th Feb'25
  • Applicable on min transaction value of ₹99
  • User would get min.assured cashback of ₹5 | Max cashback of upto ₹100
  • Offer is valid once per user during the campaign period on 1 successful transaction across Mobile Prepaid Recharges , Bill Payments, Utilities and Vi Shop
  • User has to claim the cashback within 7 days from the CRED app
  • CRED reserves its absolute right to withdraw and/or alter any terms and conditions of the offer at any time  without prior notice
All User
Get upto ₹100 on payments using Mobikwik UPI Get upto ₹100 on payments using Mobikwik UPI

Get upto ₹100 on payments using Mobikwik UPI

Applicable on min txn value of ₹199 & above

Applicable on Vi app

*T&C apply

  • Offer valid from 1st to 28th Feb'25
  • User will get cashback between ₹5- ₹100 on min txn value of Rs199 
  • Offer valid for Mobikwik UPI registered users using handle @kwik 
  • Offer is valid once per user during the campaign period on 1 successful transaction across Mobile Prepaid Recharges , Bill Payments, Utilities and Vi Shop 
  • Cashback will be credited to customer's Mobikwik wallet within 15 days
  • Mobikwik reserves its absolute right to withdraw and/or alter any terms and conditions of the offer at any time without prior notice.


terms and conditions

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Seems like you have entered an inactive number This Vi number is currently suspended This Vi number is currently in safe custody This Vi number is currently suspended due to SIM lost This Vi number is currently suspended. Please pay bill to activate the number Something went wrong. Please try after some time It seems that you are an enterprise customer. Proceed to business sign-in Please enter valid 10 digit number This looks like a non Vi number! Port to Vi You have exhausted maximum attempts to enter OTP. Please try after some time

OTP verification

Just to make sure its you, we've sent an OTP to your number ending with ****

Invalid OTP. You have exhausted maximum attempts to enter OTP. Please click on resend. Something went wrong. Please try after some time


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