Sun NXT Subscription Plans

Treat yourself to unlimited entertainment

Treat yourself to unlimited entertainment

SunNXT membership includes:

  • imageAcclaimed Top, Latest & Blockbusters Movies
  • imageExclusive with Download & watch feature
  • imageLive TV in 6 different languages
  • imageSun TV, Gemini TV, Udaya TV, Surya TV (General Entertainment Channels) shows right after TV telecast
  • imageAd-free content (except in Live streaming channels)

Get SunNXT subscription:

Enjoy ad-free exclusive Originals, Movies, TV shows, Live news and more for 30 days with SunNXT subscription.



10 GB


30 days


Sun NXT subsciption
Sun NXT subscription

Enjoy ad-free exclusive Originals, Movies, TV shows, Live news and more for 30 days with SunNXT subscription.

activate SunNXT

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OTP verification

Just to make sure its you, we've sent an OTP to your number ending with ****

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