Please enter your number
to initiate re-verification request

please enter your number to continue to initiate the re-verification process


just to make sure it is you,

we've sent an OTP to your Vi number ***** and registered email - please check your inbox, including spam folder.
Just to make sure it is you, we've sent an OTP to your alternate number ending with *****and email .
OTP has been resent. You have otpcount more attempts left
resend OTP sec (attempts left )

frequently asked questions

Your may have received an SMS from Vi informing your number could not be verified. Reverification request can be given if your services are suspended under negative verification.  

Verification will be done within 72 of the request placed by you. 

Our agent with call you or visit you as per your request. If you wish to cancel or place a fresh request, you can inform our agent. 

Our agent with call you or visit you as per your request. If he successfully verifies all the required details, your number will be reconnected within 72 hrs 

Reverification request will gets rejected in the below scenarios if

a)           Its more than 60 days your number is activated

b)           Maximum limit to place Reverification request has crossed. Only 3 reverification requests can be given placed

c)           There is already is an existing reverification request which is pending for resolution

d)           If your number is already positive and a reverification for this number is not required. 

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Seems like you have entered an inactive number This Vi number is currently suspended This Vi number is currently in safe custody This Vi number is currently suspended due to SIM lost This Vi number is currently suspended. Please pay bill to activate the number Something went wrong. Please try after some time It seems that you are an enterprise customer. Proceed to business sign-in Please enter valid 10 digit number This looks like a non Vi number! Port to Vi You have exhausted maximum attempts to enter OTP. Please try after some time

OTP verification

Just to make sure its you, we've sent an OTP to your number ending with ****

Invalid OTP. You have exhausted maximum attempts to enter OTP. Please click on resend. Something went wrong. Please try after some time


resend OTP