Planning to launch a new IoT device?
IoT Lab ensures an unfailing, interoperable, standard-compliant product, by eliminating budding issues through comprehensive testing prior to the product’s launch.
Vi C-DOT IoT Lab provides a platform to innovators like you, to custom engineer IoT devices and deploy future ready products
The Vi C-DOT IoT Lab has the capability to test a wide spectrum of ecosystem components ranging from IoT devices, modules, SIMs, applications and more.
Network & functional testing – indoor & outdoor
Capability to test all network technologies and applications
Global experience and testing proficiency
Partnered with C-DOT to harness combined expertise
Most diverse use cases across industries, like AMI, Connected Car, POS and more
Preliminary device testing reduces costly after-the-fact repairs and re-designs, by helping fix device issues prior to production
Seamless customer experience with an unfailing secure product
Faster revenue realisation with pre-certification of modules, quicker activation and faster time-to-market
Reduction in field issues ensures saving of operational costs
Certification increases market value and confidence of Device OEMs
To know more about how we can help your business, request a call back or reach out to us directly at 1800 123 123 123
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Vi C-DOT IoT Lab is an “Lab-as-a-Service” and offers customers an opportunity to test the network and functional performance of their IoT device.
Especially since the challenges in the current ecosystem are:
Through this joint initiative with C-DOT, Vi aims to accelerate IoT growth in India by bridging current gaps, and promoting interoperability and standardisation.
We highly recommend the customer to approach Vi C-DOT IoT Lab in the prototype or production stage (of the product’s lifecycle). This would help the customer identify the issues at an early stage and be able to fix them before launch. However, if due to certain reasons the customer has not been able to register for testing in the pre-production or production stage, we urge the customer to register for testing at least in the pre-onboarding stage.
The benefits will be maximised when the product lifecycle testing is being conducted.
Vi C-DOT IoT Lab intends to become a “Lab-as-a-Service” for the customer, from the early stages of product lifecycle to maximise the following tangible and intangible benefits to the customer:
Any existing or new customers and ecosystem partners can register for testing in the Vi C-DOT IoT Lab. This would include:
The customer can fill up the form on Vi business Vi C-DOT IoT Lab page ( or approach their corresponding Account manager/ Relationship Manager to register for device testing in the Vi C-DOT IoT Lab
The following pre-requisites from the customer are mandatory, to successfully conduct tests in theVi C-DOT IoT Lab:
Vi C-DoT IoT Lab is currently located in Navi Mumbai. However, testing is conducted with Live network PAN India as per the use case requirements.
There are currently 175+ scenarios against which the product is tested. The test scenarios are added or modified as per applicability to the type of product. The broad test categories are-
Yes, after successful testing against all the applicable test scenarios a joint certification with C-DOT will be issued for the tested device.
The certificate is valid for a maximum period of 12 months or as long as the hardware/ firmware/ software version remain the same, whichever is earlier.
No, the certificate will be shared with the customer as a soft copy along with test reports and recommendations.
Our charges depend on the scope of work and the number of test scenarios applicable on the product. However, if the customer brings a good business potential to Vi, certain charges may be waived off after seeking relevant internal approvals.
Test(s) on prototype(s) is/are carried out on basis of standard procedures as suitable for the scenario. Results of such tests are the property of bearer of Certificate. These results cannot be disclosed unless specifically ordered by the Government, court, etc.
VITSL and/or C-DOT does not guarantee identical levels of performance in the actual field and environment conditions and/or in the ecosystem interfaced with the product.
There are several hardware equipment or licensed software tools that are used in the Vi C-DOT IoT Lab to perform this testing. Some of which are RF shield box, QXDM, catcher tool, Logel, and more.
Yes, it is equipped to test across all network technologies.
The timelines will be communicated to the customer and RM/AM basis the SoW.
The test cases are a combination of some standard test cases applicable as per the product category and few functional/use case specific tests that can be devised from the user manual. The whole list of applicable tests is mutually agreed with the customer.
The test scenarios for oneM2M standards compatibility include validating the device firmware as well as device communication. To add to this, our protocols or application platform are built as per oneM2M guidelines. This would also involve interfacing the device with the C-DOT Common Services Platform to validate if the interoperability at the application level is as per oneM2M standards.
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