
Sharing the dream of a digital india

We share the nation’s vision of creating a truly Digital and Atma Nirbhar Bharat with solutions that help mobilise governance to citizens and create sustainable societies.


We help make work smarter and collaboration with citizens better, with powerful and innovative solutions that keep them engaged, informed and more empowered. Our global expertise and service oriented IoT solutions offer governments greater flexibility and improved visibility in creating connected societies. 

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Mobility for Connected Citizens

Connecting citizens to essential government services via their smart phones, with our range of mobility solutions Tell me more

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Connectivity for Smart Governance and Smart Cities

Transforming how public services are delivered to citizens with connectivity solutions Tell me more

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IoT for Smarter Cities and Villages

Harnessing technologies like smart transportation, smart agriculture, smart logistics, and more to improve the lives of citizens Tell me more

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Communication for easily accessible government services

Making government services easily accessible to citizens with our communication solutions Tell me more

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Collaboration for better governance

Helping government employees drive better operational effeciencies with our collaboration solutions Tell me more

To know more about how we can help your business, request a call back or reach out to us directly at 1800 123 123 123

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