Keeping JCOM Bank Always On with MPLS

Junagadh Commercial Co-operative Bank Ltd. (JCOM Bank) is a leading co-operative bank from Gujarat

Business Challenge

• JCOM Bank required 24/7 access to their banking application servers 
• They needed to ensure that their critical banking data is secure. To enable this, the bank required authentication parameters to be set for the access of this data

• They needed to remotely enable real-time data flow between customers and the banks’ servers
Our Solution

• We set up MPLS links at their hubs and head offices to ensure continuous connectivity

• If the dedicated MPLS links suffered downtime, our MPLS IoT APN would function as a back-up to provide continued connectivity

• The bank could also operate mobile ATMs in remote locations using Vi Business’s secure 3G and 4G network

• We converted their public IPs to private IPs and provided secure tunnelling through our private customised APN. We equipped the bank’s remote-working employees with secure Core Banking Solutions (CBS) access through our data-only IoT dongles. This ensured that  all data transfer was secure
Business Impact

• Our solutions proved to be cost-effective, easy-to-deploy-wirelessly, and required low-maintenance, which helped JCOM Bank improve their business operations

• The bank now has seamless, secure connectivity for all their real-time banking requirements

To know more about how we can help your business, request a call back or reach out to us directly at 1800 123 123 123

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