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How to Play Ludo
Published on: March 10, 2023
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As kids we have all experienced the thrill and anticipation while playing the classic board game Ludo with our friends or parents. Ludo, a combination of strategy and luck, is based upon the ancient Indian game of Pachisi, where players roll a dice and move all the tokens clockwise around a board into the finish area to get a chance at winning. With technological advances this popular strategic board game is now available digitally.
Vi users can enjoy two variants of this game on the Vi App:
1. Ludo, the classic game:
Thoroughly enjoyed by people of all ages, Ludo consists of simple rules played by 2 to 4 people at a time.
- Each player can choose from colored tokens (red, blue, green, and yellow) and take four pieces of the same color.
- Players take turns rolling the dice, and the one who gets the first 6 on their die gets to start the game.
- On each turn, a player rolls the dice and moves one of their pieces the number of spaces indicated by the dice. If a player rolls a six, they get another turn and can choose to move a different piece or the same piece again.
- If a player lands on a space occupied by an opponent, the opponent's piece is sent back to the starting area and must start again.
- The first player to move all their pieces to the finish area wins the game.
- Participants can play against other online opponents, against the computer, or pass and play on their devices with friends.
2. Express Ludo:
An exciting take on the traditional game where players have to perform better than other online opponents within a set time limit.
- Express Ludo is a rush concept Ludo game where players race against other players as well as time.
- A player needs to rack up points as fast as possible with strategic moves to score points.
- Points can be earned with each dice roll or by running over the opponents tokens.
- Once you knock the opponent's token, it will decrease their score and increase your odds of winning.
- The first player to score higher points within the set time wins the game.
Here is How to Play Ludo on the Vi App:
Both the versions of the Ludo game are available for all Vi users on the Vi App at no additional charges. Join in the fun by signing in from your Vi accounts on the Vi App and play in real time with real players online.