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Flat 7% off with Taj Experiences Gift Card in Vi Shop
Published on: May 08, 2024
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If you are planning a night out with friends, a family meal, or simply looking to pamper yourself, finding ways to save money is always a win. Whether for everyday expenses or treating yourself to something special, we all love a good discount. That's where Vi comes in, offering its users exclusive discounts across various categories such as entertainment, food, travel, and more, through Vi Shop. And now, Vi is taking it up a notch by introducing the Taj Experiences Gift Card, allowing you to indulge in luxury experiences at a flat 7% off!
Introducing the Taj Experiences Gift Card:
Imagine indulging in the world-renowned luxury of Taj Hotels at an exclusive discount – sounds enticing? With the Taj Hotels Gift Cards available in Vi Shop at a discounted price, you can unlock a world of luxury and indulgence. Whether planning a weekend getaway, a romantic dinner, or a rejuvenating spa day, you can enjoy the legendary hospitality of Taj with the Gift Card as it comes with a flat 7% discount when purchased through Vi Shop, making your experience even sweeter.
How to Avail the Discount Offer on Taj Experiences Card:
Availing the flat 7% discount on the Taj Experiences Gift Card is simple.
- Head to the Vi App and Log in with your Vi number
- Navigate to Vi Shop and Browse through all the offers
- Search for the Taj Experiences Gift Card or from the Explore tab open “Travel>>Hotels” section to find the Taj gift cards
- Proceed to complete your transaction
- Purchase it for yourself or send it as an e-card at a 7% discount
- You are ready to embark on a journey of luxury and indulgence at Taj Hotels
With exclusive discounts on premium brands like Taj Hotels vouchers on the Vi shop, there's never been a better time to treat yourself or surprise someone special.